Coach en développement
personnel et professionnel
alternative medicine therapist
Accompanying Medium
Fire Cox
Trainer in energy healing:
Reiki Usui, Lahochi, Lahochi 13th Octave and 13 Sacred Rays


Le coin des enfants
Les Soins énergétiques &
Les Accompagnements bien être
pour les Enfants

Energy healing
for children/ teenagers
Each age of life brings its share of difficulties and sometimes complex emotions to go through: the birth of a brother or a sister, the separation of parents, a move, a change of school, bereavement, harassment school, stress of exams….. All these events can weaken the physical and emotional health of our children causing real trauma.
The objective of an energy treatment is to release their tensions and their physical and emotional suffering to move forward in a positive and constructive way by improving their well-being.
Energetic Care contributes to helping children find inner serenity, to soothe their emotions, their sensitivity, to improve their social interactions, to find a family balance ...
Energy healing is an excellent tool for the prevention of disease.
How is the session going?
The session always begins with a welcome moment, to put you in
confidence and discuss the reason for your visit.
If your child does not want to talk about his anxieties, I will not impose
not. I will conform to the natural restraint of your child who does not
do not wish to communicate at the start of the session.
You can stay with him in the same room where the treatment takes place.
I will then invite him to lie down while remaining dressed, to relax
and let go of doing nothing!!
And for my part, I will work only with the hands, sometimes without even touching the body. This is very reassuring for children and adolescents who sometimes have more restraint vis-à-vis their bodies and contact.
Then I like to take a few minutes at the end of the session to share the effects felt thanks to the treatment or to discuss.
For children and adolescents, the sessions are shorter than for adults. It takes an average of forty minutes instead of more than an hour. The reason is simple.
Adults often emit more "blockages" in receiving energy because of their unconscious mental filters. This is not the case for the youngest.
Their vision of the World is still purified and that is why they do not develop resistance to existing blockages and why energy healing can be so effective with them.
Energy treatments for children/adolescents complement other alternative medicine therapies. No side effects are to be feared. But its benefits are quick and visible.
The number of sessions varies depending on the case, one may be enough, but sometimes four sessions help more in-depth work. Each person is different and I adapt on a case-by-case basis.
Warning: The sessions are a complement to medical treatments, but are not intended to replace them. If the child is undergoing medical treatment, you should continue the treatment and consult your doctor before reducing or stopping the medication, even if he feels an improvement in his condition. I never object to surgery.
However, energy treatments are fully compatible and without any contraindications and can harmoniously complement these approaches and bring real well-being.

The benefits of Energy Healing on children
Allows children to accept themselves for who they are
Raises their self-esteem
Increases their level of confidence
Enables better coping strategies
Increases their ability to concentrate
Lets children know they are loved and cared for, despite everything going on around them
Strengthens immune defenses
Allows you to cleanse the body of what clutters it
Reduces anxiety
Promotes healing and consolidates the effect of a fracture
Promotes recovery from mild illness
Accompagnement bien être ADOLESCENTS
( à partir de 12 ans-> 17 ANS)
Je propose également un accompagnement bien être pour vos adolescents ( à partir de 12 ans).
Pour ceux qui ont par exemple un manque de confiance et d'estime, des peurs, des blocages...
Le déroulé est le même que l'accompagnement bien être (adulte)
Ne vous inquiétez pas, mes séances s'adaptent bien sûre à vos enfants !